Monday, June 12, 2017

Melon Courgette salad recipe

It’s melon season. This freshness is going to be the delight of your summer lunches! Healthy, tasty and refreshing.

Ingredients: (for 4 persons)
1 melon (large size)
500 gr of cold cooked quinoa
8 cherry tomatoes
1 courgette
8 leaves of fresh mint

- Cut the melon in two and remove the seeds with a spoon. Make melon marbles with a round spoon. Set aside in a fresh place.
- Rinse and dry the cherry tomatoes while removing the stem. Cut in half.
- Wash the courgette and cut into cubes.
- Rinse the mint leaves and chisel finely.
- In a large salad bowl, place the quinoa. Add the tomatoes, the cubes of courgette and the melon balls. Sprinkle with chiseled mint. Mix all the ingredients.
- Season the salad with half a lemon juice and a dash of du olive oil. Salt and pepper according to taste.

Another option: add a few cubes of féta for a creamy touch.

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